On April 7, the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Feast of Annunciation S.Mariam, the Qahana.am website. Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II has declared the day as a blessing of women expecting mothers and mothers-to-day. On April 7, all the churches in the Holy Liturgy is served and the joy of motherhood pregnant women are blessed.
According to the Gospels, this day, the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee, Nazareth, about a girl named Mary and announced that she would be the mother of the Savior, who was waiting for all the people. "He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. And his kingdom will never end, "said the boy, the archangel. This annunciation Mary was surprised, but he humbly accepted the news. "Here I am the Lord's servant," he said. This is a beautiful story of the Annunciation to convey to us the Scriptures?
Mary's motherhood, motherhood is a new way for people to be exposed, and today it is regarded as a divine miracle. And how Virgin has become closer to God, so close to the Creator of all women in their pregnancies, giving new life to be like Him as beings.
The term "mother" of humanity has always been cherished. Homeland call Motherland, our Church called the Mother Church, the mother tongue, and most important city in the call. Children feel more safe and secure in her mothers lap, people in their motherland. Mother language that strengthens the mind and intelligence.
The Council of the divine and the human striving merging humanly divine sentence. it is necessary that humans strive to be holy like God and Christ in itself, divine, goodness, love, infinite power and humility.
This day also reminds us that children who are deprived of maternal care, are growing up in single papayelov dream of having a family, to live in an imaginary moment of every day as adults, people Overcome challenges and find their mother turns toward them. Reminds of the children who are deprived of seeing the light of the world, as some standards, mostly due to gender, preferences do not correspond to their parents.
April 7 declared Valentine's Day, and reminds us of the vulnerability of women who silently bear the gravest social and psychological problems, exposed to violence and abuse. Reminds mothers who are raising their children alone, everyday heroism of overcoming social, psychological and economic every difficulty, and of the heroes who fought with arms in the way of building our homeland.
This Doodle reach's Armenia
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